Yesterday was a history, today is a reality and tomorrow's a mystery

Saturday, November 20, 2010 Unknown 0 Comments

5 B,
 is the class where I studied,
the place where I gained knowledge,
the place where I learnt valuable lessons about the world and life,
It's also where I've learnt about the meaning of true friend.


Today, 20th November 2010 is my last day of school :(  I've returned all the  bibles text books. I had so much fun today with my classmates and my teachers. It's ya know, hard to describe. I really hate goodbyes but I must face it. Gonna miss u guys!

Our badges :)

My bibles textbooks! Its friggin heavy ya know. D:
I assume it's more than 10 kilos?
Gonna miss u, books! i mean seriously. :p 

Signing of the supplementary protectorate agreement :p 

Okay, I looked so weird. HAHA!

Gonna miss this. alot!

Our textbooks

Our form teachers during form 4 and form 5 ♥ 

underneath pokok kelapa~ :p 
ps: it was raining :B


We're bonded with an ionic bonding :p
hard to be separated,
we are one big family,
Thats us,
the 5Bians, the class of 2010 :)

I just want u guys to know,
You guys will always be in my heart, forever

and to my teachers:
Teacher Nurul, Mrs.Holland, Teacher Faizah, Teacher Razidah, Teacher Azlina, Cg.Saerah, Miss Yong, Sir Naseeq, Mrs.Shashi and whoever u guys are who had taught me before, 
Thank you for everything,
You guys will remain forever in my heart, 
I will never forget you guys ♥

ps: This is not an emo-ish post. This is just somekind of sentimental-ish post. Gawd! I miss them already :(
pps: If ure EMO rite now, go GET a HAPPY MEAL! HAHA :p

Till then,
Au Revoir! 

5 B,  is the class where I studied, the place where I gained knowledge, the place where I learnt valuable lessons about the world and life, ...

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